Library Instruction/Embedded Librarians

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At the Gardner-Harvey Library, we are committed to supporting your classroom mission by helping students become self-sufficient information seekers. The instruction that we offer is based on the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as established by the Association for College and Research Libraries.

We offer a range of instructional services to assist students and support courses:
  • Information literacy sessions that are specially tailored to fit the needs of your students. To achieve this, we recommend that sessions correspond with a course assignment to provide students with context for the skills to which they will be introduced. Please plan ahead! We have a menu of the topics and resources we can include in a session that can help you choose what areas you would like us to cover. Requesting sessions at least one week in advance (by phone or email) provides the librarian with time to prepare and also allows for greater flexibility in scheduling.
  • Our Embedded Librarian Program involves placing an embedded library resources page (with links to databases, tutorials, and other course-specific and assignment-specific resources along with contact information for a librarian) in your Canvas course to assist your students at their point of need. Your embedded librarian can also take part in class discussions, answering research questions within your Canvas course, or send announcement reminders and tips for how to complete research and find quality sources throughout the semester. We work with both on-campus and online courses and are willing to explore and create the best fit or involvement level for your course. See these recent guides to see what the embedded librarian can bring to your class: CMR 117: Personal Finance (Kovach) and BIS 401: Senior Integrative Seminar (Neumann).
  • Short Video Tutorials that students can use to learn research concepts and skills or the specifics of searching databases or requesting books from the library catalog. We also have a subscription to Credo Instruct that offers short videos, self-paced tutorials, and quizzes for students. For quick access to our major resources we also have our ABCs of Library Research.
  • Research consultations are opportunities for students to work one-on-one with a librarian to receive personalized help with a variety of research assignments. The prior link can be used for students to schedule a time to meet with one of our librarians (in person or online).

Please contact Jessie Long or John Burke for further information. We look forward to collaborating with you to strengthen student achievement.

Use our information literacy instructional assessment form.