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- GHL YouTube Channel
- Books & More (6 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2018)
- Articles & More (3 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2018)
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Requesting an Item (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Searching for OhioLINK Items (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Searching for SearchOhio Items (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- The Forgotten Pool - Learn research skills to solve a historical mystery on campus!
- The Tiled Room - Learn how to edit Wikipedia articles to escape a locked room!
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Focusing Your Search in Articles & More (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Google Scholar (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- Credo Instruct (a series of information literacy videos, tutorials, and quizzes; produced by Credo; regularly updated)
- The Truthful, The Fake, The Bad, and The Biased: Understanding and Identifying Misinformation (a short course on checking the credibility of information, as well as ways to avoid bias and how algorithms reduce the breadth of information we see; produced by Jessie Long, 2024)
- Two-Minute Tutorial: Starting Your Search with Wikipedia and Reference Sources (2 minute screencast; produced by John Burke; 2020)
- From Idea to Library (2 minute screencast; produced by North Carolina State University Libraries; 2014)
- Picking Your Topic IS Research (3 minute screencast; produced by North Carolina State University Libraries; 2014)
- Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students (9 minute screencast; produced by North Carolina State University Libraries; 2009)
- Peer Review in 3 Minutes (3 minute screencast; produced by North Carolina State University Libraries; 2014)
- Anatomy of a Scholarly Article (interactive diagram; produced by North Carolina State University Libraries; 2009)
- Project Information Literacy videos
- Infobase Learning Cloud (step-by-step tutorials on common software titles and emerging technology topics)
More library database and research-related screencasts are available from the Miami University Libraries YouTube channel and the Miami University Hamilton Rentschler Library YouTube channel.